Goslar Technology and Start-up Center (TGZG)
With a total usable area of 2,400m2, the TGZG offers excellent settlement opportunities, particularly for spin-offs and young companies, in the immediate vicinity of the research facilities on the campus. Thanks to its attractive location, the center promises you optimal opportunities for networking with the regional economy in Goslar and beyond. You can also take advantage of the opportunity to exchange ideas with other potential tenants of the TGZG through interactive networking in order to collaborate on new projects. For the realization of your individual plans, extensive partial areas are at your free disposal.
Your contact person
Skrollan Siegemund
Phone: +49 (0) 5321 704-314
E-Mail: Skrollan.Siegemund@goslar.de
Stadt Goslar - Die Oberbürgermeisterin
Fachbereich 1 - Fachdienst Wirtschaftsförderung und strategische Entwicklung
Rammelsberger Str. 2
38640 Goslar